Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Sicilian

Celebrating the procurement of a hardbound vintage copy of
Mario Puzo's "The Sicilian"


All photos shot with a Nokia 3250


Anjalika said...

hmmm...tht's intersting...

nice ones actually...

yeah..yeah,i'm back....n i know i deserve a good spanking for coming after so long...but hey,i just updated my blog...

so i guess my ass is excused this time?

Shy Machete said...

Just the knowledge that a good book is waiting at the end of a long day makes that day happier, dontcha think? :-)

Prmod Bafna said...

shy machete>> Oh yea! it sure does :p with The sicilian it was about that old love story coming back to you in a sepian, vintage frame.. and i just couldn't not buy it when i came across it at blossoms!!

White Magpie said...

whoa..awesome find. The story was much more hitting than the GF for me..